Arrival by train:
There are two major train stations
in Berlin:
Arrival at Hauptbahnhof:
Take a bus or an S-Bahn to “U+S Friedrichstr. Bhf”.
From there are can choose one of the following trains:
- Take the city train S2 into direction "S Lichtenrade", leave at S station "Attilastraße" and follow the map, or
- Take the city train lines S25 into direction
"S Lichterfelde-Süd" or “S Teltow Stadt”, leave at city
train station "Südende" and follow the
Approximate travel time: 30 minutes and 8 minutes walk to the
Arrival at Südkreuz:
Change to an S train into direction south. Basically you have two
- Take the city train S2 into direction "S Lichtenrade", leave at S station "Attilastraße" and follow the map, or
- Take the city train lines S25 into direction
"S Lichterfelde-Süd" or “S Teltow Stadt”, leave at city
train station "Südende" and follow the
Approximate travel time: 15 minutes and 8 minutes walk to the
Detailed information about travel by public transport in Berlin:
Please go to the homepage of the Berlin transport company “BVG”. Type in
your station of arrival in Berlin (airport, train station) and add as final
termination the station “S Attilastraße”. They will
print out for you a detailed plan how to get there.
Homepage of the